Jamie's 30-minute Meals

Jamie zet in op snelheid. Ook iedereen met weinig tijd kan een lekkere en gezonde maaltijd op tafel zetten! (Engelstalige versie)

Cover van Jamie's 30-minute Meals

In his new book Jamie's 30 minute meals, Jamie Oliver will prove that, by mastering a few tricks, and being organized and focused in the kitchen, it is absolutely possible, and easy, to get a delicious and satisfying meal on the table ... in just 30 minutes!

The 60 brand-new meal ideas in this book will be exciting, varied and seasonal, including main course ideas with side dishes and some puddings and drinks. They include main course recipes with side dishes as well as puddings and drinks, and are all meals you'll be proud to serve your family and friends. Jamie has written the recipes in a way that will help you make the most of every single minute in the kitchen. This book is as practical as it is beautiful, showing that with a bit of preparation, the right equipment and some organization, hearty, delicious, quick meals are less than half an hour away.

You'll be amazed by what you're able to achieve.

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Dit boek is ook in het Nederlands verkrijgbaar: Jamie in 30 minuten.

€ 26,99

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Jamie's 30-minute Meals is een kookboek van Jamie Oliver.

  • ISBN: 9780718154776
  • Hardback Gebonden
  • Pagina's: pagina's
  • Jaar van uitgave: 2010